Basic course for freedom seekers

Together with the artist platform Skogen in Gothenburg, Frihetsförmedlingen gives a one evening course that includes a brief history of labour society, an mapping of the contemporary situation of consumerism and wage-relationships and an introduction to the concepts that Frihetsförmedlingen investigates. The course is part of a series of events that during the autumn of 2018, for more information see the calendar on the website.

Sweden’s freest bureaucrat Cecilia Jonasson

Cecilia Jonasson begins her one year long employment as Sweden’s freest bureaucrat (Sverige friaste byråkrat) in September 2018. The job is a unique position where Cecilia will work towards increased freedom and less wage labour for the multitude. This contradictory employment is both a performative artwork and a paid position. Cecilia will form the artwork together with Frihetsförmedlingen in many activities directed towards both the general public and different institutions.

More information about the project