Expanded Tiny Festival 2021

I will participate in Expanded Tiny Festival 2021 with a new performance-work. Tiny festival 2021 is a week of performance, choreography, poetry, music, voice, sound, film and visual art mixed with installations and interventions. The festival with take place indoors and outdoors around Mathuggstorget in Gotheburg.

For more information see the Facebook-event: Expanded Tiny Festival 2021

The Desorientation Ability

Action No. 588: Advertise your phone number

Kanslibyrån is very happy to be able to continue its mission of advocating friendly inefficiency, naive thinking and positive irrationality in an exhibition at Växjö Konsthall 16 October 2020 – 9 jan 2021.

“The artists Per-Arne Sträng and John Huntington are performing actions, a kind of everyday revolt against habitual behaviour, bureaucracy and the notion of a rational society. They do it by hacking well known paths and executing a kind of controlled explosions of phenomenons we barely perceive but still obey. ”

Read more on Växjö Konsthalls webpage

Konsthall323 celebrates its 10th anniversary

Konsthall323 was founded by Frida Krohn and Ylva Trapp in 2010, and has since hosted a vast number of exhibitions and events. Now the institution is celebrating its ten year anniversary with a group show of former collaborators, and Kanslibyrån is very happy to be counted as one of these.

Other participating artists are Anna Sörenson, Ami Kohara, Aeron Bergman, Alejandra Salinas, Maria Toll, Elisabeth Frieberg, Ulrika Gomm, Anne-Liis Kogan, Gabi Dao, Cissi Hultman, Karin Backström och Jon Perman.

Read more in the Facebook-event

Kanslibyrån at Gallery 54

Kanslibyrån is participating with two video works in the exhibition Videorama 1 at Gallery 54 in Gothenburg. We will show documentation of two actions from The Archive of Actions: Action No. 411: Take turns carrying each other, and Action No. 467: Try to stand on your head.

The Visionary Archive at Galleri Se Konst

Kanslibyrån have been Invited to make a digital exhibition on Galleri Se Konst Instagram account for one week, 11 – 17 April 2020. We take the opportunity to show excerpts from our Visionary Archive that have never been shown before.

Translation of image above: Action No. 219: Cook too much soup / Action No. 1042: Take a cab into the forest

Galleri Se Konst on Instagram

Alternative defense measures

The opening of Kanslibyråns solo exhibition on Alingsås konsthall is on Saturday 25 January 10.00-14.00. The show titled Alternativa försvarsåtgärder (Alternative defense measures) displays both new and older works – All centered on the small scale art-activism and enchantment of everyday life that Kanslibyrån have been working with the last twelve years.

Alingsås konsthall

The Ministry of Uncertainty

As a response to the workshop “Designing the Parallel Society” that Frihetsförmedlingen held in Minsk in June 2019, Elisabeth Kovtiak has written an article about the thoughts and ideas of the participating group and the founding of the new Ministry of Uncertainty in Belarus.

“The Ministry of Uncertainty is an alternative organization that replicates some technical characteristics of ministries. It will have a website, official agenda and visual identity just as any ministry. Why those? Basically, that is with what citizens can encounter once they are interested in a ministry’s activities. The real activities of ministries in Belarus are quite opaque: hidden behind the bureaucracy. Unlike the ‘real’ ministries, the Ministry of Uncertainty initiates and fosters public discussions that do not aim to come up with a certain solution. This alternative institution is both a criticism of the passivity of a bloated bureaucratic system and the unwillingness of public authorities to take responsibilities. Another function of the Ministry of Uncertainty is to create a meeting place for the citizens where they can discuss the facade stability and an uncertainty and anxiety that exist behind it. “

Participants in the worshop and creators of the Ministry of Uncertainty is Alina Dzeravianka, Elisabeth Kovtiak, Christin Wahlström Eriksson and Sophia Sadovskaya. The workshop was led by Lars Noväng and myself as part of the STATUS Project

Read the whole article: Designing the Parallel Society in Belarus: Adressing the dichotomy of stability and uncertainty by Elisabeth Kovtiak

Logo design by Valentine Duduk


On Friday, November 29 at 18:00, Skymningskonst (Twilight Art) will start at Gallery Cora Hillebrand, Fabriksgatan 48 in Gårda. During the evening, a total of eight experimental acts are given: presentations, performance, sound works and lectures. Together they form a poetic and metaphysical whole: an artistic diversity that is sometimes subtle and friendly but also brutal. Refreshments will be served, welcome!

18.00 – Christin Wahlström: “Att följa den gula tråden”
18.20 – David Price
18. 40 – Anne Marte Overaa & Anna Liljedal: “Pizza-connect”
19.20 – Simon Skuteli: “Den bartleboothska metoden”
19.40 – Kristoffer Svenberg: “I dare you to lick your screen”
20.00 – Sara Nielsen bonde: “Det platsspecifika verkets autonomi”20.40 – Mattias Helleberg: “Norske Høvdingers Samfund”
21.00 – Mikael Goralski: “Zbigniew Spengler, taskspelare”

Curated by Henrik Ekesiöö, Cora Hillebrand och John Huntington
Image from school book, scanned by Erik Betshammar

Read more about the project

With support from Göteborgs stad

New office at Ångpannegatan

The Swedish Public Freedom Service is opening a new temporary office, this time as part of the project Ångpannegatans processer on Backaplan in Gothenburg. The project is a collaboration between local artists, Statens Konstråd and Lundby stadsdelsförvaltning. Come visit us on Saturday 23 November and Mondag 25 November to meet your freedom counselor, get your freedom permit and create an emancipation plan for the coming year.  

Read more

Frihetens pris at Skogen

Frihetsförmedlingen is organizing the conference Frihetens pris (The price of Freedom) on Skogen in Gothenburg Saturday 9 nov 2019. We have a number of inspirational speekers: Stina Oscarson, Birger Schlaug, Cecilia Jonasson, Per Johansson and Sister Lena.

Read more on Frihetsförmedlingens site