The Twilight Bureaucracy

  • Anna, Case Officer, The County Administrative Board

The Twilight Bureaucracy is a collection of events, objects and strategies that explore the undercurrents of bureaucracy and the alternative sides of administration.

The project is based on experiences from professional groups that have clear functions directed towards general citizens: employees in both public and private businesses that in some way provide a community service and where everyday work is characterized by administrative labour. In these occupational groups, certain psychological phenomena recur, such as for example an occupational stress of being responsible for other people’s well-being and powerlessness and alienation in regards to how the system of the institution is designed. The Twilight Bureaucracy describes a counter-movement, a community of acting officials, who invent various strategies and techniques to escape frustration, create sanctuaries, and pour warmth into the spaces in between.

The project is resulting in many different works and series of works where performative, dialogical and image-based practices constantly overlap. For example in performance works such as The Dark Administrator, The New New Gothenburg Spirit and The Potato economy. The youtube-channel The Twilight Bureaucracy consists of video works about the alternative side of administration.